(text-style:"subscript","blur","fade-in-out")[Dedicated to all my beloved.]
(after:2s)[(text-style:"smear","sway")[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[Begin->background]]]]Your phone suddenly rings.
It's your mom calling from your hometown.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[continue working->childhood]](after:1s)[(text-style:"smear","buoy")[My friend $name,]]
(after:2s)[How long have you been working on achieving "success" in social life, academics and careers while neglecting the feelings of your families back your hometown?]
(after:4s)["I'm busy" has gradually become your excuse to impatienly, passively respond the carings from your parents, while you could hold your smiles to non-familiars for the sake of social courtesy.]
(after:7s)[your notebook just dropped on the floor, a picture slides out.]
(after:7s)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[pick it up->family picture]]]''(set: $name to (prompt: "Your name", ""))''
(after:3s)[My friend] $name,
(text-style:"subscript","smear","buoy")[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[you're currently working on an essay due within 10 hours.->phonecall]]](set: $event to (random:1, 2))
(if:$event is 1)[It's a family picture taken two summers ago, where you and your family went to (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[Japan->japan]].]
(elseif: $event is 2)[It's a picture with your cat, (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[Feifei->feifei]].](text-colour:white)+(bg:black)[Kyoto, summer of 2019]
(bg:(hsl:0,0,0,0.5))[You and your families went to:
(text-style:"subscript")[(retrieving 2 archived pictures from fading memory)]
(t8n-depart:"dissolve")+(t8n-arrive:"dissolve")[[Mall->mall]] near Kyoto Tower
[[Kinkakuji->Kinkakuji]] 金閣寺
[[Higashiyama->higashiyama]] 東山町]
(if: $picture2 is true)[(bg:(hsl:0,0,0,0.5))["(t8n-depart:"dissolve")+(t8n-arrive:"dissolve")[[Hey->reality]], $name! (your peer's voice pulls you back from memory)] ]At the mall,
(set: $camera to true) [Your parents bought you the first camera of your life.]
<img src="https://czhangzoe.github.io/twine/images/camera.webp" style="width:130%; height:130%">
You had matcha icecream together!
(if: $camera is true)[took some pictures for your parents with new camera at that day.(set: $picture1 to true) [(*Picture#1 is archived)]]
<img src="https://czhangzoe.github.io/twine/images/3959_top.jpg" style="width:130%; height:130%">(text-style:"smear","buoy")[[[Return and refresh the page till you see a different outcome->family picture]]]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9qM3vp24aDQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>{
(set: $camera to false)
(set: $picture1 to false)
(set: $picture2 to false)
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/db5414_38ccbdd63b8e4378bcc4ec7cc719068f.mp3">Your web-browser does not support playing video files of this sort.</audio>
Amazing view!
You made a wish that your parents would stay healthy forever and ever.
(if: $picture1 is true)[took some pictures of kinkajuji with new camera at that day.(set: $picture2 to true) [(*Picture#2 is archived)]]
<img src="https://czhangzoe.github.io/twine/images/golden.gif" style="width:130%; height:130%">Back from reality,
you realized your heart is filled with emotions.
(after:2s)[The eye-catching mark in red on mini calendar next to you noted:
(text-style:"smear","buoy")["October 26th: the greatest day of mom's 57th birthday!
DON'T FORGET TO (t8n-depart:"dissolve")+(t8n-arrive:"dissolve")[[CALL->cake]] HER AND SEND PRESENTS IN ADVANCE!!"]]
"HI MOM..."
(after:2s)["Oh dear...you finished your stuff? You must be so tired recently"]
(after:5s)[I'm so sorry for not coming back for your birthday;
sorry for breaking our promise for annual summer trip;
sorry for...everything"]
(after:8s)["Don't worry dear. We understand. I called you to ask if you're coming back for winter break. Your father always mumbled: "how's $name doing? Has $name been eating well and stay healthy in these cold days..."]
(after:17s)[''(set: $answer to (prompt: "What would you say next", ""))'']
(after:20s)[(text-style:"smear","buoy")["$name, please remember,
we (t8n-depart:"dissolve")+(t8n-arrive:"dissolve")[[cherish->end]] you in every single moment."]](text-style:"smear","buoy")[My dearest friend $name,]
you have reached the end of the story.
(after:2s)[This story is re-created based on my life experiene to express my love to my famlies. Since we've always been physically away from each other, there isn't a second I had doubt the purest, sincerest and warmest love they have to me. They've eternally reserved the softest part of my heart.]